Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you choose to cancel automatic renewal and don't want to
be charged again, please follow the bellowing instructions to cancel the subscription for orders.

What to know first

EaseUS cooperates with two shopping cart vendors, 2Checkout and Cleverbridge. Before you unsubscribe from your renewal service, please check your order email to confirm which vendors your order belongs to and follow instructions accordingly.

Note: A cancelation stops future renewal charges, but does not result in a refund of your order.

How to cancel subscription of Cleverbridge order

Step 1. Check your order email and click “Cancel subscription for your xxxxx”

Step 2: Click "Cancel your subscription"

How to cancel subscription of 2Checkout order

Step 1. Click HERE to access 2Checkout Customer Area. You can also find the Login portal in the confirmation email sent by 2Checkout Team.

Step 2. If this is the first time you login 2Checkout Customer Area, Fill in your Purchase Email Address or Order Number and click Sent access link.

Step 3. If the email address you entered is associated with a 2Checkout order, you will shortly receive an email with a login link valid for 1 hour. Click on the link in the email to log into MyAccount.

Step 4. After logging into MyAccount, click View all XXX orders to get a list of all your 2Checkout orders.

Step 5. Locate the order you want to cancel the subscription on the list and click View order details.

Step 6. You will access the page to review the detailed information for this order, including your billing and delivery information, license code, unit price and tax information etc. Click Product history on this page.

Step 7. If the subscription status is Active showing in this page, your order will be automatically renewed based on your subscription plan. Click Stop automatic subscription renew and confirm it in the prompted window to disable the auto renew.

Step 8. After you confirm, the auto-renewal will be immediately disabled. Your subscription plan will also be canceled at the end of the current billing cycle. You will shortly receive an email from 2Checkout Team to confirm this cancellation.
Please note: after you cancel the subscription, your license code will remain activated in the product till the next billing cycle. After that, the license will be disabled and the product will stop working on your computer.
The subscription can be reinstated at any time in MyAccount. Click Enable auto-renewal to reinstate the subscription, and your order will be auto-renewed in the next billing cycle based on your subscription plan.

EaseUS Refund Policy

If you request a refund, we will reimburse you for the full purchase price, in the currency in which you made the purchase. We do not charge any kind of fee for this service. Refund requests are handled through our support team, which can be reached by contact our Support Team. We do our best to keep response times below 24 hours in order to resolve your issue quickly and without complication.

Generally, any customer who so wishes will receive a refund, unless:

1. The request for a refund is made more than 30 days after the date of purchase.

2. The request for a refund is made on non-technical ground.
We offer comprehensive trial versions so that users can examine a product’s capabilities before purchase to prevent you from experiencing buyer's remorse. Therefore we only offer refunds on technical grounds, if there are problems for which we cannot offer solutions.

3. The purchased product has already been used successfully by the customer.
In general, we cannot offer a refund after our product has successfully performed its intended task. If, however, the product is faulty or in any other way does not perform in a duly manner caused by the software itself, you are fully eligible for a refund.

4. The product was not purchased from EaseUS directly, in which case it is subject to the return policies of the re-seller in question.

5. The customer has bought a similar product from a different provider and wishes to return the product for this reason.
If you have purchased and used software other than that from EaseUS we have no way of making sure our product can or cannot perform its intended task. We strongly advise you to contact support in case of difficulties.

6. The request for refund is made for reason of product failures that are not product related.
Please understand that we cannot provide a refund if our product does not perform tasks it is neither intended to perform nor advertises it performs.

7. The purchase was made without the payers’ consent.
If someone other than you made the purchase by using your credit card, Paypal account, etc. without your knowledge or consent, please contact the relevant payment service to get refunded.

8. There are technical difficulties which our support can provide solutions to.
It is vital that in case of difficulty or issues that you cannot resolve yourself, you contact our support team and work with them towards a solution. This ensures that we know exactly which problems you are facing, and whether it is due to a technical inadequacy or user error. Therefore, you are only eligible to claim a refund after you agree to let our tech-support assist you. The same applies if you have not received your product key automatically. Please get in touch with our support team to resolve the issue; you will get a response within 24 hours.

9.The customer would like to receive a swap instead of a refund.
If you bought the wrong product or the wrong version by accident, you can exchange it by purchasing the right product and contacting our support to get refunded for the product you do not want. Alternatively, you may have our support team exchange the product directly.

10. The customer would like a price adjustment refund more than 7 days after the date of purchase.
We offer a price adjustment refund on our products within 7 days of the purchase date. If you see a price drop within 7 days of your purchase, you may contact [email protected] with your order ID to submit a price-adjustment refund request. No refund will be given after the 7-day period. This applies to price changes and discounts listed on the official EaseUS page only. It does not include the promotional email discounts that you receive after purchasing our products.

Once a refund is issued, the corresponding license will be deactivated.

Download Version: Please uninstall the software and remove it from your computer.

Thank you very much!

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