NAS vs. DAS: Which Is Better & How to Choose

Larissa updated on Nov 30, 2023 | Home > Knowledge Center


 1. NAS vs. DAS [Concept & Working Principle]
 2. NAS vs. DAS [Application Scenarios]
 3. NAS vs. DAS [Features]
 4. Sum Up: Which One Is Suitable for You

NAS vs. DAS [Concept & Working Principle]

What Is NAS?

NAS(Network-Attached Storage) is a computer data storage server that works through the network. With the Local Area Network or WiFi, NAS allows multiple users and devices to access and share stored data, ensuring fast and easy access. 

Multiple devices and NAS are connected to the same network or WIFI. A network switch or server connects the device and NAS so that the data on the NAS can be accessed and shared on multiple computers.

What Is DAS?

DAS(Direct-Attached Storage) is also a kind of data storage server. It doesn't work with the network but directly connects to the computer through SCSI, USB, or eSATA interface. DAS works by connecting to devices directly, meaning that the data in DAS is only available to the computer to which DAS is attached. It provides better performance over NAS because of simple security. 


NAS vs. DAS[Application Scenarios]

NAS is usually used for data storage and sharing, especially for those unstructured data like videos, audio, text files, etc. It is also suitable for a large volume of data storage. 

With three different types(enterprise, midmarket, and desktop NAS), NAS is applicable for various organizations to collaborate and share centralized files, which helps increase productivity and save time and storage space. With enough budget and significant data storage needs, NAS is a perfect choice. 

DAS is more suitable for those small companies or organizations with limited budgets. Compared with NAS o other advanced storage solutions, DAS has a lower price but also solves your storage issue. 

Another advantage of DAS is its simplicity. DAS provides an easy solution to sharing data without a network. You can assess data by connecting it to your computer device with a USB, SCSI, etc., interface. So, it is more suitable for local small volume data sharing. 

NAS vs. DAS[Features]

Apart from the aspects mentioned above, NAS and DAS differ significantly in terms of features. We comprehensively compared the two to better choose the storage server that suits you.

  NAS(Network-Attached Storage) DAS(Direct-Attached Storage)
Main Functions For data backups and recovery, Files are used For data backups and recovery, Sectors are used
Working Method Transferring and sharing through network Directly connected to devices, work without network
Installation & Use A little complicated compared with DAS Very easy to install and use
Price Expensive than DAS Cheaper than NAS
Data Transferring Method TCP/IP, Ethernet IDE/SCSI
Capacity in Bytes 10^9 to 10^12 10^9
Data Access Rights Available for multiple users and devices through the network Only available to devices that DAS is connected

Sum Up: Which One Is Suitable for You

NAS and DAS both provide advantages and exclusive features. Which one to choose depends on your actual needs regarding data storage volume, budget, and backup and recovery requirements. 

If your company has a sufficient budget, needs large-capacity data storage requirements, multiple employees need to share data, and has dedicated IT personnel responsible for data management and maintenance. NAS is a perfect choice for you.

Conversely, if you have a limited budget and less need for data sharing, DAS is a good fit, allowing employees to share data locally.

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Updated by Larissa

Larissa has rich experience in writing technical articles. After joining EaseUS, she frantically learned about data recovery, disk partitioning, data backup, and other related knowledge. Now she is able to master the relevant content proficiently and write effective step-by-step guides on computer issues.

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